Some are good, some are great, and others are an abomination. We're talking books; specifically, we are discussing the books we loved (and hated) most from season two. If you're new to our podcast or a long-time listener, this is an excellent episode to find the books and discussion we enjoyed the most.

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The setting is 19th century Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the countryside. Noblemen and women are eating, drinking, marrying, living. Among these aristocrats stands one woman who personifies beauty and grace. This woman catches the eye of an equally attractive officer. Driven by an undeniable chemistry, the two start down a path of deception and destruction from which neither may recover.

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This week we’re skipping YA and going all the way to the baby book aisle for a lovable true tale (who knows. Maybe.) about a farm, an intelligent spider, and a piglet with a heart of gold. Truth be told, we selected this book to give our brains a break this week. However, we were pleasantly surprised to find our hearts sincerely moved by this classic, Charlette’s Web, by E.B. White.

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